Family Law Services
At Samantha R. Addario Barrister & Solicitor, we offer a wide range of family law services. We practice family law from a resolution-focused perspective in an effort to conclude client matters efficiently and expeditiously. We offer a variety of types of family law services in order to meet clients’ individual needs.

Consultations offer clients the important opportunity to discuss their matter with a lawyer and obtain some measure of preliminary legal advice before they retain counsel. During your consultation, you should be prepared to answer questions from the lawyer who meets with you and can expect to have your own questions answered, as well. Consultations are billed at a flat rate of $250.00 + HST, allowing counsel to take their time with each and every prospective client without fees rising by the clock. Every family law matter begins with a consultation.
Legal Coaching/Unbundled Services
For clients who cannot or do not wish to retain counsel on a full-scope basis, we are delighted to provide unbundled services in the form of Legal Coaching and Limited Scope Retainers. Working with a lawyer in this manner allows family law clients who are willing and able to self-represent to access a lawyer on an as-needed basis. Counsel will be at clients’ disposal whenever they require services. In this capacity, we can assist clients with drafting materials, reviewing and understanding documents they receive, preparing for Court appearances, and more.

Full-Scope Services
Most family law clients wish to retain a lawyer to assume full carriage of their file. In these instances, the lawyer assumes the various tasks associated with a family law matter, such as communicating with the other side, drafting documents, attending Court appearances, and more. Hourly rates, substantive goals and expectations, and other details of such a retainer are discussed with prospective clients during their consultation.
Legal Aid
Samantha R. Addario Barrister & Solicitor accepts a limited number of Legal Aid clients. Clients who have been in receipt of a Legal Aid Certificate, please contact us to canvas our capacity to assume carriage of a new Legal Aid file.
Estate Planning Services
Wills, Estate Planning, Powers of Attorney
Some of the most important documents a person will ever prepare are their Will and Powers of Attorney. Yet, far too many Ontarians die without a Will and do not have Powers of Attorney in place when they need them. This makes administering your estate and executing your wishes difficult, expensive, and potentially impossible. We are pleased to assist clients in navigating the complexities of estate planning, providing you – and your loved ones – with peace of mind.